Sunday, April 16, 2006

Letter from a reader and responses

I received the following from a new member, but she says "you all," in the subject line so I'm assuming she wants me to share this with the group, which, btw, has been steadily growing lately.  Her e-mail is reprinted here, with my reply below.  Please feel free to share.
In a message dated 4/13/2006 12:26:59 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, a new writes:
I tested positive two years ago.  I was given this nastiness from a
long term hetrosexual partner whom I now believe knew he was
infected. This being devestating news and what I thought would
surely be "the end" I quickly found an Oncologist who watched and
monitered me for over a year before starting me on meds, my viral
load had climbed from 15,000 to over 100,000 and my C-4 count had
dropped to below 500.  My current meds are Viread and Truvada taken
daily.  My viral load has dropped to undectectable levels and my C-4
count is up to 1,200 plus.  My doctor told me that it is not
uncommon to NOT pass the infection to my husband (I got married), he
has tested negative so far but we do not always use a condom.  Am I
risking his life by doing this?  I am also curious as to why your
web site states the Doctors are all so wrong, I had started to lose
weight, night sweats, generally not feelng well and have really felt
better after the start of meds.  I did cut out Hard alcohol and try
to exercise regularly although I have experienced changes in my
muscle tone in my stomach.  Does anyone know how to get around this
unpleasant side effect?  I am 43 years old and wonder how many
people are out there like me who rely on the advice given to us by
our Doctors but really dont know the long term effects that might
happen down the road.  Am I at risk to possibly die within 10 years
after the onsaught of starting medications or will I live to be 80? 
The literature and volume of conflicting data is mind boggling and I
continue to be very scared as I try to live my life and raise my
children before DYING YOUNG.  Any comments or suggestions?  Thanks
and have a happy Holiday.

I have comments and a suggestion that you educate yourself.  I'm not sure if you understand what this group is about, but I hope you learn before it is too late.
You have to understand that you have been totally mind-fucked and terribly mislead by the people you trust -- medical doctors, and your friends and family who believe in them too.  I would say, "Forgive them for they know not what they do," except that in the position they are in, they have an obligation to know before they experiment on you, and to "above all, do no harm."
The things you are monitoring are all bullshit.  Most medical testing is questionable. The results can be misleading and misinterpreted. If you doctor went to medical school, he should know that t-cells are not a marker for immune health. They are a body-initiated response to toxicity. If he didn't understand that from his education and he is an "AIDS" doctor, he should have realized it after reading the Concorde Study, one of the largest and longest AIDS studies ever done which clearly concluded that "T-cells are not a valid surrogate marker for health or disease progression in AIDS," or other major studies which reached the same conclusion.
And the "HIV" test is a joke. If your doctor kept up to date on the science, he would know that the tests were shown to be useless over a decade ago and that he shouldn't be having any of his patients tested or treated based on such (mis)diagnosis.
I beg you to educate yourself and your husband before it is too late for you.  Any doctor who would recklessly endanger the health of his patients with open-ended chemotherapy treatments based on a bunch of invalid surrogate markers is a dangerous person to even be near, much less trust your health and your life to.  Unfortunately, your doctor is typical, and we live in a country where majority-rule (politics) and corporate profit have overtaken science. Medicine is a religion that most of the country (and maybe the world) believe in. The problem isn't that 40 million Americans are without "health insurance."  The real problem is that hundreds of millions have or want it.
The "HIV/AIDS" experts have wasted over $100 billion, 2 decades of research, and ruined millions of lives in their futile search for a cure.  Drugs don't cure disease.  Maybe that's why so many people are wearing stupid bracelets, and raising money for the various war-on-disease companies. If you're waiting for doctors to end AIDS, you'll die waiting.
If you need a good "dissident" web site to get you started, try

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