Sunday, April 16, 2006

continuation of the 4/16 post

I'm not sure if this is the same person, but I guess she missed the link.

In a message dated 4/16/2006 3:36:39 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I am so confused and your negativity is dis heartening.  I am 27
years old, been married since 2003, and I have 5 kids.  I have only
done 2 years of college and want to do more.  I found oun a couple
weeks ago I am H.I.V. positive.  I do not even know my viral load or
cd4 count.  I need information and people I can trust. Please help
and tell me the references for your information.

Dear Lucky,

I totally agree with you.  You are confused, and it's understandable.  You've been lied to by the church that you trusted your entire life to and probably your children's.  (If you plan on having more children, please check out 101 Reasons Not to Have Your Baby in a Hospital. )
Any negativity was against the industry that is victimizing your family. Unless you're a doctor, or heavily invested in medicine, there is nothing disheartening. The good news is YOU DON'T HAVE A DISEASE!  Do you get it?
If you're 27 and have 5 kids why the x%#&*!! are you taking the so-called "HIV test?"  Just the fact that you've had pregnancies recently can make you test false positive.  You would have to be confused to waste your blood, time or somebody's money on such a test. 
You're lucky to have found us this early in the game -- and it is a game. Hopefully you will never know your "viral load" or CD4 count.
You want references? These are some of the thousands who have stood up to sign their names to the growing list of intelligent and respected scientists, journalists, educators and others who have been calling for a public forum for this issue:  HIV & AIDS - VirusMyth AIDS WebSite - The Group
Reading the excerpts and reviews of these books will give you a good overview of what many now refer to as the AIDS Scam.  VirusMyth AIDS WebSite - Book Section   You can navigate through and fromthat website for as many hours, days or weeks that it takes until you understand that were lucky to find us when you did. You should be far from disheartened.  If you need to understand how you've been mind-fucked, this site might help:
If you run out of reading material, just let me know.
When you've done your homework you might want to confront your doctor with why he put you at such risk by giving you a test whose validity is zilch that allows you to be labeled for life? Then again, if you're prone to violence when you realize your person has been so totally violated, you might not.
I welcome your thoughts pro and con. 

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