Hi Ed,
I am Juan, from Argentina. If you are in any of the yahoogroups (aidscred or aidssoc), then we "met" as I have sent several emails.
I´ll tell you briefly. I was given my pos result 3 ys ago. A couple of months later I knew about the dissidence. That was great. You can imagine.
After that I had bits and bobs of illness, but nothing too bad. In 2004 my health started to come down until in dec 04 I had to spend 9 days in a clinic for "PCP" (never knew quite what it was, but I spent +3 months without breathing properly). By march 05, recovered from the lungs but still weak and with toxoplasmosis I had no option other than starting to take ARVs.
I still thought like a dissident, and knew I would quit sooner or later.
That came in Jan 06, when I took my last pills, but I´m still not sure if that was for good or if I´ll have to go back to them (I know I shouldn´t).
My problem is that I did fantastic with them, and my negligible 2ry effects were feet problems (swells and night cramps).
One of my doubts, especially when I talk to other people on meds, is how is it that so many people are doing ok (ish) after even as much as 10 years on the meds. I guess this is because I want to make sure that leaving the ARVs is the right decision. I´ve done great with them, recovered from a really bad spell very quickly (a matter of months), and before starting I was in a sorry state, and I saw myself as the perfect example of an AIDS patient, as I had every sign (itches, night sweats, the illnesses, ETC, ETC).
And, just how can it be that this is such a GIGANTIC matrix.
HOw can it be that EVERYONE is wrong. And Galileo or Goebles are not good examples, because this is 2006.
But then again, most of the times I start reading a decent dissident site I am reassured.
Another thing that bothers me is that there is too little new stuff, and what there is is just more blab on the old fact (that Rebecca who wrote "why I quit aids", for example).
Well, your blog I just came accross, I can´t remember how, but it looked cool so I decided to write. I also found myself identified in a way, because you mention "working" and saving lives in chat rooms, giving all the people the needed information. I wanted to do something like that, creating an "aidsbollocks" profile in some of the profile and chat pages, with a bit of a summary and links.
I guess I´m just looking for more views. I´ll sign in to get news from your blog.
Thanks for any comments, Juan
After you learned about the dissidents, how many of the better dissident books did you read? VirusMyth AIDS WebSite - Book Section I generally recommend that people read at least one book by Dr. Peter Duesberg and one by someone else. (The British authors are my favorites.) My favorite Duesberg book was, "Why We'll Never Win the War on AIDS," co-authored with Bryan Ellison. That book was banned in the US, but you might find copies in Argentina. But before you read any book critical of the AIDS industry, I strongly suggest Dr. Robert Mendelson, MD: "Confessions of a Medical Heretic" so that you might understand how "everyone can be wrong." It's an old book, but it just keeps getting better (and cheaper) with every read. BTW, not everyone is wrong. Have you looked at the credentials of some of the outspoken dissidents? HIV & AIDS - VirusMyth AIDS WebSite - The Group If you want to understand how all the experts can be wrong, follow the money trail. AIDS has cost the US nearly $200 billion so far.
Your dilemma is very common, so Ihope you don't mind my sharing this with my yahoo group, Yahoo! Groups : HIV_Does_Not_Cause_AIDS and my blog. Diary of an AIDS Dissident. You are still in the zone of fear and confusion. The antidote is education. When you understand the string of lies that is the medical construct of AIDS, the choices become crystal clear. When you see how you've been misled and endangered by this "doctor" you've given over your power to, you should get angry -- very angry.
Not knowing your age or prior health history, I'm really not in a position to know what caused your health problems, although I would imagine you were exposed to toxoplasmosis in the hospital. I just went through the most horrible flu/cold, whatever-you-want-to-call-it, I've had in over 25 years. For all I know, had I taken it to a doctor, they might call it pneumonia, and if they knew I was "hiv+," they'd search and search until they found the ubiquitous entity known as pneumocystic carinii and blame that for my illness. But even if I were to accept medical treatment for the pneumonia (which I doubt I would), knowing what I do about the AIDS theory, I would NEVER take drugs based on fighting HIV. The fact that you felt you had no other option is evidence that you never did the homework necessary to educate yourself out of the AIDS zone.
I don't know what your problem is with "too little new stuff," when you haven't touched the surface on the old stuff. The strange thing about truth is that it doesn't go out of date. In any case, you can usually find the newest information at HEAL: Alternative health and aids information and participate in the latest discussions at AIDS Myth Exposed.
When I have health questions I turn to a woman called Anna-Inez, a former radiology nurse who rejected modern medicine for the study of Life Science. Under her guidance, people have restored their bodies to health from just about every condition that doctors call "incurable," including AIDS, MS, cancer and paralysis. Her e-mail address is Hygeia16@hotmail.com.
Good luck to you.
[NOTE: added August 2006] "Serious Adverse Events," by Celia Farber is a MUST READ!
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