Monday, January 29, 2007

on testing and boycotting blood donation

The average person's greatest risk of ending up an AIDS victim comes from taking the test!  The testing has been shown to be invalid, but the results of being told one has failed this invalid test can be lethal.  The testing should be outlawed.  Whatever this test is actually detecting, if indeed one unique entity at all, it does not appear to be a threat to anyone.  Maybe that is why the CDC stopped publishing surveillance data in 1999.

The testing must be stopped.  Right now everyone who donates blood is getting tested whether he knows it or not.  You put yourself at risk of becoming an AIDS victim everytime you donate blood.  People worry that a boycott on blood donations would cost lives, but the truth is, it would cause a marked decrease in unnecessary surgeries and other medical procedures and death rates drop.

Monday, January 22, 2007

can u believe this musclehead who calls himself a writer?

 Just thought I'd share a gem from my e-mail to illustrate what we're up against.

Subject: (no subject)
Date: 1/22/2007 7:24:56 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
From: Muscle...
To: AIDSisOver

You are completely insane are or misinformed. AIDS is very much in epidemic form worldwide - Africa, Asia. Time to re-check your completely inaccurate statistics - as it is currently spiking up here in the US as well, thanks to wide spread crystal meth use. Wait a few short years and see. If it seems under control in your view, well that is only because medicines have become - for the time being - highly effective. This is no time to walk way or ignore the possibilities of the future. Aids HAS NOT been cured. AIDS is NOT OVER - not by a long shot. It is only by keeping it in the forefront - constantly - they we even stand a ghost of a chance of wiping it out for the future. A mind such as yours sounds highly dangerous for the future of medicine. And your having a screen name proclaiming AIDSISOVER???? Don't you have anything more productive to do with your time? Or at least honest?
to which I replied:
The misinformed one here is you, my friend, along with most of the world who are brainwashed with propaganda and don't have the common sense to question things that don't make sense and examine the evidence with scientific scrutiny.  Believe me, I am not insane, although having an IQ that puts me in the top 1% of the world is not exactly normal.
The medications are not responsible for the decline of AIDS.  The people who are living the longest and the best don't take them. The decline started before the miracle drugs came out.  AIDS in Africa has nothing to do with HIV or what is called AIDS in America.  There are several documentaries and thousands of web pages online, as well as many books exposing the HIV/AIDS hoax, as it coming to be recognized.  You can get a decent overview by reading the online reviews and excerpts from VirusMyth AIDS WebSite - Book Section
Before you start your name-calling and get your tits in an uproar, you need to open your eyes and your mind and do a little research. 
Then I received the following:
Subject: (no subject)
Date: 1/22/2007 8:19:44 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
From: MuscleRomanceNYC
You are indeed EXTREMELY misinformed and as I said before, probably insane - oh, and as a person who knows A GREAT deal of where I speak (unlike yourself, who is refering to online information, which is widely know for being inaccuate, particularly in relation to anything medical as online publications, blogs, re-prints, statistics, etc. are not required to be fact checked as most other periodicals are and therfore deemed mostly unreliable) - in addition I might add you couldn't possibly have a high IQ, not with the false information you spread like fowl manure for no apparant reason.  There is no brainwashing or propaganda going on here. Just your mentioning that suggests a strange and unsettling paranoia that so often goes hand in hand with people who bring up the very notions of "brainwashing" and "progaganda" in the first place - perhaps too many bad movies and TV shows. The medications are indeed responsible for the decline of AIDS - not HIV mind you, which is GROWING, just the disease, the illness, we have come to refer to as AIDS - a fact you might want to get right from the get go. The decline in AIDS DID NOT start before the good, latest drugs came out (they are not "miracle" drugs) and people who have shyed from them have NOT lived the best and longest - quite the opposite. Ever speak in large numbers with, observe or know people infected who have taken the drugs for many years vs. those who did not? Apparantly not. Consult any HIV/aids specialists, doctors on this issue? You could not have or you would know better.  The ones who refused the drugs are either gone or doing very poorly. Fiinally, there is no "AIDS HOAX" as you say. Would be so great if actually that were true. You need to get educated, informed - for real. Check out the more recent editions of The New England Journal of Medicine, The Center For Disease Control, The Pasteur Institute. A warped mind is a terrible thing to unleash on the public. Lucky for you, I suppose, there is a thing called AOL.
But what I really don't understand and find so deeply disturbing - is that you would take the time to create a sceen name, profile, etc. just to express untruths - dangerous untruths - that serve no purpose whatsoever. What is actually behind such a scary and ridiculous tirade anyway?
to which I replied:
"what medications are you on?"
I really didn't expect to hear from him again, but....
received this:
Wow, smart comeback. That high IQ of yours is real evident. I'm on 2 medicines for HIV actually - and YOU?????
I guess that explains things a little. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

A great book -- definitely worth reading

I recently read a great book that I recommend highly.  Unlike most of my "AIDS" library, this one is a work of fiction.  It's the fictitious tale of what would be the largest class action suit in history -- a suit for $3 trillion on behalf of the 300,000 gay men who were killed by AZT from 1987 to 1997.  While the story is fiction, the facts presented in the trial are real and are documented in the book.  This is a real page turner.  I had a hard time putting it down.  You probably won't find this book in a book store or public library, but you can order it an any bookstore, or from Amazon, but you'll save money and help HEAL if you go to HEALAIDS.COM and follow the ordering instructions there.  The books is called "Wrongful Death: The AIDS Trial," by Stephen Davis.

You can read or listen to several chapters on line.  Check it out now, and perhaps add some comments here after you've read it.