The graph you see here was on my AOL home page from 2000 until 2005 when the entire site was deleted without cause. The numbers came from the CDC's annual AIDS Surveillance Report. The blue line shows new "AIDS" diagnoses by year. The pink line show's "AIDS" deaths. They have both declined dramatically since their peak, over a decade ago.
In trying to reconstruct and update this graph, I've come across an unusual obstacle. It seems the CDC stopped reporting annual numbers after 2000. I was able to find some numbers for new diagnoses from the Kaiser Foundation, but they made it clear that all of the numbers from the year 2000 and up were estimates. From my estimation they were exaggerations as they showed an unexplained rise to the 1996-1997 level and then holding strong. "AIDS" death numbers remain a mystery, although a screaming Mimi who claims he works for the CDC, exclaimed there were 13,000 in the US last year! Three to four times as many die from the flu. Bedsores kill 5 times as many people! Why aren't we pouring $100 billion into the bedsore pandemic? What does the President's office on bedsores have to say about this?
"AIDS" in the US is over. Beware the coming vaccine to take credit for this. You'd better beware, because if you're not already "HIV-positive," you're going to get one. And before you get yours, you'll have to be tested to make sure you're not already "HIV-positive," in which case you might face mandatory medical "treatment." I'm not sure what we can do to prevent it, but I think the answer starts with impeachment. Can you say the word "IMPEACH?"
This does not say that aids is over you mindless geriatric!! AIDS may have slowed, it may have leveled out but by no means is it over!! Why spread misinformation in the community? Would you feel better about your own HIV status is everyone was tested positive? It's people like you that give us the reputation that we've fought so hard to shed. I for one will look forward to your obituary.
goodbuddy, the reputation that gays have aids is not gone, its rampant. The fact is that gays can't spread aids anymore than fruit flies can. Ever ask yourself why you have to answer questions about your sexual practices? Simply admitting to unprotected anal sex will weigh your sample toward positive. Gays are persecuted with aids, not infected!
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