To bootd's comments:
EJ was examined by 3 qualified medical doctors, none of whom saw any evidence of pneumonia. She did not have any history of immune deficiency, a hallmark of "AIDS." The coroner was probably ordered by the CDC to declare this an "AIDS" death. Why did it take months to release the autopsy findings, which are currently being investigated? How can anyone know if the child was "HIV-positive," when testing blood after death can cause false positives in a test that is not reliable in the first place? It is much more likely that powerful antibiotics, and other medications given to a child who never had any toxic medications in her 3 year old body, was the cause of death.
Viral load does not measure "HIV," despite what you've been told or believe, and t-cells are not a valid surrogate marker for health or disease progression in "AIDS." An "HIV-negative" taking the same drugs would experience a rise in t-cell numbers too (until the drugs destroy the thymus and the bone marrow, at which point the victim will be told his virus is now resistant.) And plenty of "AIDS" victims are dying with "undetectable" viral loads.
Yes, there are people diagnosed "HIV-positive" who remain healthy with no medical intervention, but it has more to do with intelligence than luck -- unless you want to say we're lucky that we're intelligent. These people have examined the evidence with scientific scrutiny and logic and do not believe in viral theory of "AIDS." I've seen it in case after case without exception. Those who believe in and fear the virus, even if they shun the medical treatments, inevitably fail. Those who see through the nonsense enjoy good health, or, as you say in "AIDSspeak," "do not progress."
I'd like to ask you a question: Since the doctor who discovered the virus never claimed it caused "AIDS" and admitted he didn't believe it could, and the doctor who stole the virus from him and theorized that it killed t-cells, later admitted he was wrong; the virus doesn't kill t-cells, how come you still believe that it does?
The entire medical community is in error. And it's not just "AIDS," but most of modern medicine, which is why they work so hard and play so dirty to hide the truth. If the truth were commonly known and accepted, I think we'd see an epidemic of people shooting doctors and probably an epidemic of suicides within the medical community.